2018-2nd Semester Course Pre-Selection

  • 2018-12-18
  • 李維中
2018-2nd Semester Course Pre-Selection timeline:

2018/12/24 (Mon.) 12:00 pm inquire the Student/Course Information System, under the title of 2018-2nd Course Table.

2018/12/25 (Tus.) 10:00am To 2018/12/28(Fri.) 5:00 pm
Applicable students:Full-Time (F/T) Senior year /Undergraduate & Continuing education, senior year/Undergraduate.

2018/12/26(Wed.) 10:00am To 2018/12/28(Fri.) 5:00 pm
Applicable students:All students (F/T undergraduate, continuing education, 80 credit-hours, masters, OJT master, and Ph.D.)