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Student practical learning and guidance group

Student Internship and Learning Guidance Division:
Name: Rong-Hwei Yeh
Title: Student Internship and Learning Guidance Division Section  Director
Tel: 886 + 4 + 2332-3456 ext. 1909
Fax: 886+ 4 + 2332-1063
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Name: Cheng-An Tsai
Title: Student Internship and Learning Guidance Division Section Clerk
Tel: 886 + 4 + 2332-3456 ext. 3236
Fax: 886+ 4 + 2332-1063
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Name: Sian-Ji Jhou
Title: Student Internship and Learning Guidance Division Section Clerk
Tel: 886 + 4 + 2332-3456 ext. 1796
Fax: 886+ 4 + 2332-1063
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Name: Yun-Guey Shieh
Title: Student Internship and Learning Guidance Division Section Clerk
Tel: 886 + 4 + 2332-3456 ext. 3114
Fax: 886+ 4 + 2332-1063
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