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Introduction of Directors

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Name: Ta-Cheng Chen 

Title:Vice President & Dean of Academic Affairs Prof.

Ta-Cheng Chen got the Bachelor Degree from the Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, and M.S. and Ph.D. from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, USA. Currently, Prof. Chen joined Asia University as a Chair Professor, Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs. Additionally, he also served as the Department Chair, Secretary General, Dean of Student Affairs, and Vice President in the National Formosa University (NFU). In NFU, Prof. Chen has been awarded several honors such as the Best Teaching Prizes and special talents award of Ministry of Science and Technology. Moreover, he also served as the SBIR Project Review Committee Member for Ministry of Economic Affairs, Institute technology and Junior College Administrative and Academic Evaluation Committee Member and for Ministry of Education, etc. His research interests includes production management, decision analysis, applied AI in optimization, management information system, big data analysis and mining.